A timber frame manufacturer, serving both the self-build and wider development sectors, includes high performance Magply boards within its standard details and brochures, to ensure its customers can be offered fail-safe fire resistance wherever the circumstances demand it. Oakworth Homes has established its Benchmark Selfbuild service to help individual clients fulfil their creative aspirations, Oakworth also delivers larger contracts in the student accommodation, care and other markets. The company’s energy efficient and very flexible designs all being based on the Varytherm platform which can provide a variety of different wall constructions with U-values down to 0.10 W/m2 K.
Each option in the Oakworth range includes the choice between conventional OSB3 or Magply fire check boards for the outer sheathing to Varytherm timber frame elements. The design team accordingly recommends the use of Magply whenever the site survey and pre-contract assessment identifies a specific risks to adjacent properties in the event of a fire during the construction stage. The Magply boards also offer resistance to racking loads, both as part of the completed structure and during the installation process. The Factory Production Manager for Oakworth Homes, Lee Wild observed: “When we are designing our timber frames for customers, we always give them the option of upgrading to using the Magply fire check board instead of the standard OSB material. This may be in just one area of the structure – where it is in close proximity to another property – but we have to make them aware of the need to address the risk of a fire on site spreading to adjacent buildings.
We have reviewed many products that are on the market and found that Magply offers the best solution for the application. Oakworth Homes staff the production line definitely discovered that it not only cuts better, but the boards are not prone to cracking or splitting as they are installed with the pressurised nail guns. Sometimes we have to go from nailing at 150mm centres down to 75 or 50 mm if the structural calculations demand it. It all comes down to the engineering and the design and we will always factor in the safety considerations, advising clients according to the availability of the Magply as an option.
As a high performance, multi-functional board, Magply features a Magnesium Sulphate formulation, to offer a fire-safe and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional plywood or OSB products. Additionally, the unique production process keeps the chloride content to just 0.01%, enhancing both stability and long term durability. Crucially, Magply carries internationally recognised accreditations confirming the boards’ ability to deliver 90 minutes integrity and insulation under test conditions. Furthermore the range offers excellent racking strength, impact or pull-out resistance and all round ease of use in a variety of applications. Magply has been tested under BS EN 476 Part 22 for timber frame applications and parts 6&7 to provide Class 0 certification for the surface spread of flames together with other approvals such as EN ISO 1182-2010.